Click on the image for a full bio

George T. Whitesides, CEO of Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship Company, is responsible for guiding all aspects of building Virgin Galactic’s first commercial spaceline including the spaceflight program as well as

Garret Reisman is a Professor of Practice in Astronautics at the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering. A NASA veteran who flew on three Space Shuttles, Dr. Reisman

Retired Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden Jr. is an aviator, astronaut, civil servant and graduate of the United States Naval Academy who served as a test pilot before NASA tapped

Mr. Hightower has more than 25 years executive management experience in multiple industries and a 30-year background of investment entrepreneurialism and capital formation. Mr. Hightower's top-level teaming with Art Dula

Anita Gale's professional career started on the Space Shuttle program in 1974, for Rockwell International in Downey, California. Most recently she was a Senior Project Engineer in Space Shuttle Payload

Dale Amon is a founder and CEO at Immortal Data Inc. and on the National Space Society’s Board of Directors. Amon has worked in technology, academia, and music in the

Mark Hopkins currently serves as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Space Society.  He has served as a National Space Society Officer in one position or another for 35

Hoyt Davidson is the founder and Managing Partner of Near Earth LLC. Previously he was a Managing Director in the Telecomm Group at Credit Suisse First Boston. Davidson’s investment banking career

Kirby Ikin is the Managing Director of Asia Pacific Aerospace Consultants (APAC), located in Sydney, Australia. APAC offers broad consulting services to the civil and commercial space industry, the evaluation

Bruce Pittman is currently working as a contractor at the NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley where he is the Chief System Engineer in the NASA Space Portal Office.  In

John C. Mankins is Founder and President of Mankins Space Technology, Inc., a start-up company, focused on the objective of developing and commercializing novel space systems solutions and new technologies, primarily

Colonel Karlton D. Johnson (USAF-Retired) is the Global Cyber and Data Risk Officer at Arconic Inc (formerly “Alcoa Inc.”) leading all aspects of critical cyber / data risk management and protection

 Conference Panel titles

1) What are the Material developments of the last 12 Months?

2) What do we do with 150 Tons to Orbit?

3) What does a Livable Space Settlement Look Like?

4) What Broader Communities Can we Engage in the Space Settlement Discussion?

5) Who are the New Players on the Scene?

 Confirmed Media presence

Planetary Radio, Matt Kaplan

TMRO, ‘Rocket Mike’